
DEATH COMES KNOCKING — A healer through and through, though more because of his innate ability and the resources such abilities give. Still though, if he sees someone in need out in the wild lands, he'll help. And if someone comes asking him for assistance, he'll give it. What he gets out of the situation is anybody's guess.

MASTER, O' MASTER Non-combatant types like Soren are easy to take out, and as someone a non-fighter that also acts as a healer, he is often targeted in expeditions and duties. One day he would like to pick up a proper weapon, or even learn how to defend himself without using his shields.

BUSINESS IS BOOMING — Overworld, underworld, hidden in the shadows or in broad daylight, Soren can be found looking for clients. Perhaps not so overtly, but he has an eye for those on the desperate side of life. Maybe he'll drop a few hints in earshot, maybe he'll approach straight out. Either way, he'll end his day with some gil in his pocket.

TEST SUBJECT X Not so open, not so known, Soren hires mercs and muscle to grab him a test subject or two or three. Better keep inside on those nights, if you don't want to end up in his lab. Though sometimes whatever muscle he hires becomes the test subject themselves, he doesn't care either way, so long as he gets what he needs.


» General rp etiquette is expected, that means no god-modding, no metagaming, no perma-injury/disfigurement (without prior consultation). Soren is a non-combatant, so it is expected that if he gets in a fight that is way over his capabilities, he will be injured. We can speak via /tells or here on discord to decide the permanency of said wound.» Mature themes are welcome. Soren has low empathy and a shaky moral compass; he uses living beings as test subjects for his creations, and is a secret sadist. Trigger Warnings for the following: violence, blood, depictions of torture and physical suffering, sexual themes, and fear-intimidation.» ERP may also show up from time to time, though this will be rarely as my character is demiromantic, demisexual. Please understand that I will only write it with people I'm comfortable with. I will not write anything sexual of any kind with lalafells, minors, minor-coded characters. Also note: this character is not multiship/multiverse and will not engage in polyamory. It's already difficult enough to settle with one person, he would be far too overwhelmed with multiple people.


» I don't have any written triggers, but visually I cannot stand needles piercing skin or being actively used in any way. Visual eye horror also skeeves me out. While this does not pertain to in game roleplaying, if we're in a discord server together, please spoiler these images for me.» Any in game rp we do can be moved into a dm's on discord, or into a server if we share one. I do absolutely do not mind continuing where we left off, and if it's my response you're waiting for, just let me know. If you'd rather plot things out, we can also do that either via /tell or in dm's. Whether it's something small and simple, or in depth, I'd love to write with you!» Please let me know if a topic we're writing is uncomfortable for you, or a conversation has moved into uncomfortable territory! We can adjust things as necessary, but you never need to be put out of your comfort zone.» Discord available upon request / any other IDs also available upon request, though I reserve the right to deny sharing them! As an endnote: We're just here to have fun and roleplay.

  • disclaimerㅤPSD & Graphics are made by me unless stated otherwise. Links will be placed below to credit any artists or creators if I use anything premade.

  • creditㅤcarrd base by sunncarrds


  • ㅤnameㅤㅤSøren Lífþrasir

  • ㅤaliasㅤㅤLiev Kvasir | Liev | Decantrix

  • ㅤageㅤㅤ28 ( appearance ) / 85 ~

  • ㅤpronounsㅤㅤ(ftm) he / him or they / them.

  • ㅤspeciesㅤㅤMixed Species — Viera / Miqo'te

  • ㅤbirthdateㅤㅤ20th sun / 4th astral moon

  • ㅤoriginㅤㅤRevenia, Dalmasca

  • ㅤhomeㅤㅤThe Mist, Ward 15, Plot 22

  • ㅤOrientationㅤㅤGay, Demi-romantic

  • ㅤOccupationㅤㅤ Healer & Potions Supplier

  • ㅤClassㅤ Sage & Alchemist

  • ㅤAffiliationsㅤㅤThe Howling Revenants & Völuspá Solutions ( Self-Owned )

  • h e i g h tㅤㅤ5'10" / 180.2 cm

  • b o d y ㅤSlender

  • s t r e n g t hㅤㅤ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

  • d e x t e r i t yㅤㅤ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

  • h e a l t hㅤㅤ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

  • e n e r g yㅤㅤ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

  • b e a u t yㅤㅤ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

  • s t y l eㅤㅤ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

  • h y g i e n eㅤㅤ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

animals, beasts, books, traveling, cinnamon spiced drinks, chai.
alcohol, mind-altering drugs ( used on him ), work interruptions.

ㅤSCENTㅤㅤnatural: fresh lavender & pear. post-lab: ink, chemical remnants


A quiet person, often found with his pen in his journal whilst studying the local flora and fauna of whichever land he's currently occupying. Soren is studious but he can also be playful with those he finds himself comfortable with. There's no denying that he's also a little on the socially awkward side as someone who is practically married to his work. Even so, once one gets him talking, he'll go non-stop about a topic of interest.Though he would never admit it, he flusters easily when teased. Blushing comes easy, often coupled with a grumpy pout and narrowed eyes. It's only natural to picture him stamping his foot and crossing his arms, even if he would never do so for the sake of his reputation.Regarding how the public perceives him, Soren can be very particular. He presents himself in versions of his lab coat and large round glasses for the purpose of being seen as both unassuming and intelligent. The innocence and gentle nature that he can exude is used to put his patients at ease, all the while something dark and sinister lurks just under the surface — a side that he lets out while dealing with his less savory clientele. Soren doesn't mind giving off a maniacal air with his more crime oriented clients, and if often isn't even a front when he goes on ramblings regarding chemicals and biological weapons ( that, if not utilized correctly or placed in the right hands, could kill a number of people with no source to trace back from ).

What horrors will these hands commit . . .


FAMILYㅤ→ㅤ Soren was born in Revenia, Dalmasca ( located in Dalmasca Superior current day ). His mother, a Veena Viera from the Skatay Range, and his absentee father, a Miqo'te of the Z tribe, met in the hodge podge city of Rabanastre before they migrated up to Revenia together. His father, though, did not stay. As a breeding male of his tribe, it was his duty to either take the Nunh's position or go out to form his own tribe. Unfortunately for Soren's mother, Þreyja (Threyja), his father, Z'Emir, chose to give up on forming his own tribe and returned to take the mantle of Nunh. He declared that he could not reproduce with the veena and left. This, in turn, left the already pregnant Threyja as a single mother of a mixed breed child.Soren was born on the 20th sun of the 4th Astral Moon in the year 1497. Threyja, going by her city name — Pepper, had left her home in the Skatay Range with no intentions of returning, and so she bore him in the city where she fell pregnant, far away from the traditions of the viera. With this small change in the course of his history, Soren was raised as a simple mixed citizen of Dalmasca and thus was never given a city name to go by. He has always been Soren, and while curious, this fact has never bothered him.YOUTHㅤ→ㅤ Mixed breeds are not completely out of the norm for Dalmasca, the kingdom having such a large conglomeration of species and races living within it. It's for this reason that Soren would very rarely experience prejudice. Every once in a while a traveler would find themselves in this melting pot of a nation, trying to shove their own views onto the residents. This would, without question, be dealt with by stationed guards from the Capital. Soren had very little to worry about in this bustling city, and it showed with how he handled himself growing up.Wild, curious, trouble prone — all are ways that the good natured people of Revenia would describe this child. As one who is used to being bailed out when danger calls, it's loosened his sense of self-preservation to the minimum. From toddling around the lively marketplace, not even reaching knee height with the local Hyurs, to tumbling around the desert sands just outside of the city walls, eyes always on the most curious of creatures. Soren was trouble just waiting to happen, but the people would laugh and shake their heads when he was brought back by guards — carried like a sack of potatoes under an arm or riding shoulders with a bright grin on his little face.This acceptance, this resignation to his nature, fostered his need to learn and study and write. Bright green eyes would follow along, captivated, as travelers and teachers and masters would come through. He would learn how to properly observe, take notes, and test his theories with the help of an old alchemical master who had lost all of her children in a raid. Art skills would be passed down to him from a kind man that enjoyed traveling back and forth between the capital and Revenia. Healing would come naturally, manipulating aether as if he this was what he was born for, and he would work on putting that natural talent to good use often ( at first on himself, and later on actual patients ).

— what agony has already been dealt?



→ㅤ Logical to a fault, and just as observant. Many have found his way of being to be too much for them.
→ Speaks fluent Dalmascan — Common, Dalmascan — Southern Dialect, Eorzean — Common & speaks broken Thavnairian — Common.


→ㅤ When writing, Soren loses track of the world around him. It can take physically shaking him to get his attention away from whatever has captivated him so. It's even worse when he's actively working, whether that is in his lab or otherwise. He can often be found with ink smudged on his fingers and face, but he only minds the mess when he's in public situations.



  • Magical Combat

  • Agile - Quick to Dodge

  • . . .

  • . . .

  • Physical Combat

  • Weapon Wielding (ie: sword / axe )

  • . . .

  • . . .

Heritage of HEART.

  • Aetheric Mend: Channels aether to rapidly heal wounds and mend injuries.

  • Curative Emanation: Releases a burst of aether that cleanses ailments and provides a regenerative effect to nearby allies.

  • Aegis Shield: Conjures a protective barrier made of aether, absorbing incoming damage for a limited duration.

  • Revitalizing Brew: Crafts a special potion that instantly restores health and removes debuffs.

  • Aetheric Lance: Projects a concentrated beam of aether at a target, dealing damage over time.

  • Toxic Infusion: Coats a weapon or arrow with a toxic substance, causing additional damage and applying a damage-over-time effect.

  • Ephemeral Burst: Unleashes a burst of volatile aether in an area, damaging enemies caught within.

  • Mystic Detonation: Sets off a controlled explosion of aether, dealing area-of-effect damage.

  • Silent Alchemy: Prepares potions and elixirs with no discernible sound or visual effects, ideal for discreet distribution.

  • Shadow's Whisper: Cloaks himself in aetherial shadows, making him harder to detect by magical or mundane means.

  • Venomous Brewmaster: Enhances poisons to have a more potent effect without increasing the risk of detection.

  • Veiled Formulas: Creates alchemical devices that provide temporary buffs or debuffs, with a subtle appearance to avoid suspicion.


ㅤSatchel of Vialsㅤ

  • deetsㅤdeet.

  • deetsㅤdeet.

  • deetsㅤdeet.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

ㅤHandwritten Beastiaryㅤ

  • deetsㅤdeet.

  • deetsㅤdeet.

  • deetsㅤdeet.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum


  • deetsㅤdeet.

  • deetsㅤdeet.

  • deetsㅤdeet.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum



Draught Wright

Privately, Soren works in poisons, potions, as well as chemical and biological engineering. Publicly, he is a healer, offering his abilities to whomever is in need throughout his travels



Private Work.

HIS PROFIENCY IN CRAFTING POTIONS goes beyond the usual healing elixirs, delving into the creation of potent substances with a variety of effects. These concoctions might enhance a warrior's strength, grant temporary invulnerability, or induce controlled states of altered consciousness. As such, Søren's clients are usually individuals operating in the darker corners of society.POISONS are another facet of his illicit trade. Søren's understanding of toxicology allows him to create deadly poisons tailored to specific needs. Whether it's a subtle, slow-acting poison for political intrigue or a swift and lethal toxin for more immediate purposes, he is able to provide this service with assurance that no one will ever be able to trace it back to him.His expertise in CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING opens the door to a realm of possibilities. Søren may be approached to create unconventional weapons or devices that harness the power of alchemical reactions and biological agents. From smoke bombs and corrosive concoctions to more insidious forms of warfare, his skills are in demand by those who may operate in the shadows.There is no doubt that some of the things Soren does is MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE. From using living beings as test subjects for his latest concoctions, whether that is a potion or poison / a toxic gas or liquid, there is little that he isn't willing to do in the pursuit of knowledge and perfection. Some would call him SADISTIC with how he can stand there, clipboard or notebook in hand as the test subject writhes and twists in agony, begging for freedom or death — whichever comes first.

Slice of Life


When not working in his lab, with his guild, or with clientele, Soren can be found out in the wild. He is ever expanding his beastiary as well as his healing repertoire. Unfortunately, his need for knowledge and his nomadic tendencies often make it hard to locate him, so the best thing to do is reach out via linkpearl.

What's in a name?

Soren does not necessarily follow Viera naming conventions as he was not raised with his mother's clan. Though his mother has explained City names vs Forest names when he was old enough to know, he has ever gone by Soren as he wasn't raised in the Veena tribal mountains or in the jungle. A forest name was never seen as necessary.
Instead, His mother gave him the nickname ' Liev ' as homage to his feline father and the hopes that Soren would grow to be a better person than Z'Emir.
— He uses the name as an alias these days, finding it to be the easiest as he answers to it as naturally as Soren.

So you've come in search of a little extra help. Mayhap you have a rival you would like to permanently damage, or a companion that's finally snapped that last nerve — whatever your reasons may be, you have come to the right place. If you would like to do business, slip the word CASTOR into a conversation, or slide me a note. We can schedule a meeting place, or if we're already speaking, we can go somewhere private to do business.

  • Fast Acting — Within seconds to minutes, for exact time, give subject's weight and height

  • Medium Acting — Withing 2 to 5 hours

  • Slow Acting — Within 18 to 24 hours

  • Recurring — Debilitating, sets in over the course of several days to weeks


NoxhexisParalytic. Recommended given 4 hours before sleep. Will stop heart. Painless. Medium acting.300kIngestible
AthanoxisInduces Cardiac Arrest. Death within a minute.430kIngestible
ViperlashPanic Inducing. Will cause convulsions, muscle contractions, salivation, respiratory muscle paralysis, followed by death. Fast acting.400kSkin Contact
RequestA lethal poison exacting to your needs will be made. Consultation requiredTBD 


NumbrootParalytic, subject continues to feel physical sensation. Detectable via taste. Fast acting. Lasts 12 hours ~30kIngestible
DysphoriumSevere Head Injury Mimicry, causes nausea, vomiting, seizures, blurry vision, and lack of balance. Possible long-term trauma. Medium acting.42kIngestible
ShiverdraftParalytic, numbs victim completely externally, internally heart still beats. Undetectable. Medium acting. Lasts 12 hours from full onset ~50kIngestible
ScorchveilPain Inducing, excruciating, will make it feel like like flesh is peeling off. Soaks into skin, cannot wash off. Fast acting. Lasts between 8-20 hours depending on subject.65kSkin Contact
FesterthornPain Inducing, excruciating, messy. Bleeding through pores, rotting nails, spitting blood, skin bubbling. Keep dosage exact for non-lethal ending. Medium acting.150kIngestible
Requesta nonlethal poison exacting to your needs will be made . Consultation requiredTBD 

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Medical Potions

Luminara ElixirHarnesses aether to accelerate natural healing, promoting regeneration of tissues.. . .
. . .Temporarily boosts the recipient's aetherial essence, hastening recovery from injuries.. . .
Aetherflow RestorativeInfuses the drinker with a surge of aether, alleviating fatigue and promoting vitality.. . .
. . .A multi-layered potion that channels different aetheric energies to heal various aspects of the body simultaneously.. . .
. . .Temporarily enhances the recipient's magical defenses by weaving a protective aetherial shield.. . .
. . .Clears the mind and sharpens focus, enhancing mental acuity and concentration.. . .
. . .Balances aetheric energies within the body, restoring stamina and reducing fatigue.. . .
. . .Manipulates aether to alter the perception of time, providing a brief burst of heightened speed and reflexes.( Possibly Illegal )
. . .Harmonizes with the recipient's aetheric resonance, promoting emotional balance and tranquility.. . .
Necrotic ElixirHarnesses forbidden aetheric knowledge to simulate death-like states, useful for covert operations or espionage.( Possibly Illegal )

Non-Aetheric Medical Potions

For those with aetherical sensitivity

. . .Extracts from rare herbs and plants create a potion that enhances overall physical well-being.. . .
. . .Blends natural remedies to provide a potent cure for common ailments and minor injuries.. . .
. . .A mixture of floral extracts that calms the mind and relieves stress, promoting emotional well-being.. . .
. . .Utilizes minerals and non-aetherical substances to boost the immune system and speed up recovery.. . .
. . .A potion crafted from nocturnal flowers, offering a calming effect on both body and spirit.. . .
. . .Utilizes herbal extracts to induce a calming effect, alleviating stress and anxiety.. . .
. . .A potent blend of antioxidants and healing agents to accelerate recovery from minor injuries.. . .
. . .Harnesses the calming properties of lunar herbs to induce restful sleep and reduce insomnia.. . .
. . .Blends invigorating extracts to boost energy levels and combat lethargy.. . .
. . .Extracts from rare flora that invigorate the body, boosting physical strength and endurance.. . .
. . .A counterfeit version of a legitimate cure-all, potentially causing harmful side effects and addiction.( Possibly Illegal )
. . .A non-regulated sedative that induces a state of extreme relaxation, often used for illicit purposes.( Possibly Illegal )
DreamdraughtA highly addictive and illegal sleep-inducing potion, known for causing vivid and disturbing dreams.( Possibly Illegal )

Other Potions

. . .. . .. . .

Non-Aetheric Potions

For those with aetherical sensitivity

. . .. . .. . .

So you've come in search of a little extra help. Mayhap you have a rival you would like to permanently damage, or a companion that's finally snapped that last nerve — whatever your reasons may be, you have come to the right place. If you would like to do business, slip the word CASTOR into a conversation, or slide me a note. We can schedule a meeting place, or if we're already speaking, we can go somewhere private to do business.


Biological weapons are not for sale. They were created out of curiosity and are kept safely out of reach of those that would want to use them for nefarious means.


Weaponized illnesses and toxins, such as Anthrax, beginning with a Subject 0. Spreads quickly. Not immediately lethal.Any Contact

OOC If a guild is in need of an in character reason for dissolution or integration, feel free to reach out to me and I can have Soren make an exception ( for an exorbitant amount of gil or favors. No actual gil will trade hands ).For RP purposes, Biological Weapons are mostly there for interaction reasons — for attempted thievery, bartering, etc.

Chemical gas agents are made in small batches, the batches reaches up to a range of 4 meters with full effects, 8 meters with lesser effects. This can be adjusted, but it is recommended that gases be released within an enclosed room for to ensure job completion.


VeilstormNerve Gas, agent causes confusion and hallucinations.Gas, vapour
AsphyxiaetherToxic gas, those who breathe it in will die of asphyxiation — burning feeling, like lungs are melting.Gas, vapour
MiasmafluxToxic liquid which causes the skin of its victims to bubble and melt off.Liquid, aerosol
Chokebane FogSmoke bomb that releases a choking agent upon detonation. Inhalation will cause fluid to build up in longs.Munition / Gas
BlazeblightBlistering agent, cause large and often life-threatening skin blisters which resemble severe burns, and can result in blindness and permanent damage to the respiratory system. Burns skin, mucous membranes and eyes; blisters skin, windpipe, and lungsLiquid, aerosol, vapour, and dust

So you need a healer for your expedition? Or perhaps you simply need a healer to stay in your village for a short while? You've found yourself in the right place then! My services as an in village healer are are free for a month, but the longer I stay, the more likely I am to charge. I act only as a stand-in until your village healer returns, but if you are lacking one in general and someone is interested, I will be more than glad to pass on some knowledge to those who wish to know it.If you need a healer for an expedition, contact me for a consultation. All pricing will be decided at the end of the consultation, and if my services are not accepted that evening, I will hold that price for 48 hours so that you may come to a decision.

With an abundance of knowledge and over 75 years of studying the world around me, observing plants and animals and beasts alike, I've compiled several beastiaries and have produced [ redacted ] versions of them. Even so, If you've come in search of a guide to help you, you've found one.— Price x Day
— Price x Week
Anything longer than a month requires conversation, consultation, and a contract.

Expedition LengthPrice
Single Day. . .
1 Week. . .
1 Month. . .
Specialized ( Consultation Needed ). . .


Skaði Hróðvitnir

Client / Closest Companion

When we go, where do we end up? When all is said and done, where do we go from here? If there is nothing left to fight, would you need me anymore? Would you be you without a task in hand? How frightening it is to entrust myself to someone like you, and yet I find that I cannot pull myself away. What is it you do to me?

Hati Hróðvitnir


Are you drowning? In this sea of people, of indulgences spread further than we can count, how are you keeping yourself afloat? In too deep without a scuba tank, it almost seems like there's no way out. One day you will find solace, a place to rest your tired arms, but it all comes down to you so — when will you stop swimming down?

Lovek Ivanov


How to describe beauty . . . It is the scars you carry, the quirks and flaws carved into alabaster skin, writ into your very bones. What beauty would there be in perfection when your imperfections make you who you are? Who would be you, if this version of you no longer walked these halls? Trusted friend, valued companion, you exist to live. What is it that stops you?

Y'Sterrh Merlwyn


What is it you fear? When your feet hit the pavement, carrying you onward to your next destination, why do you continue on? How endlessly you move, your heart screaming and yelling out in agony for something, somewhere, anywhere. Why do you flee when care blankets your shoulders? What is it about home that spills ice in your veins and staggers your sure steps?